Congratulations on your successful NIH grant proposal! As part of the post-award process, you will now have to create and send in annual and final reports (RPPRs) on your progress. This workshop on November 10 introduces tips and tricks for use of NCBI Account tools for NIH post-award reporting, and includes a Q&A portion for participants. This session is for NIH funded researchers, their delegates and institutional grants officers with specific task-based, hands-on activities.
In this workshop you will learn:
- What is needed for NIH Public Access compliance
- How to submit your recently accepted publication through the NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) System
- How to track your submitted manuscript through the process in My Bibliography
- How to create an Award Compliance Report PDF using My Bibliography
- Solve common reporting issues and errors.
Please note that this workshop is designed for post-award activities. NCBI will be offering a pre-award “Creating an NIH or NSF Biosketch with SciENcv” workshop in early Spring 2023.
Due to curricular and technical limits, there are a limited number of spots available to provide the best workshop experience. If you register to apply, you will be notified of your application status 2 weeks before the scheduled event.
Please see the FAQs page for more information and if you still have questions about the NCBI Outreach Events program or this specific workshop, reach out to [email protected].
Inconsistant workshop dates on two NIH website
The current website states the Bibliography workshop is on Nov 11, 2022. However, the website (https://ncbiinsights.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/event/reporting-publications-11-22/) accessed via the embedded hyperlink on this website shows the same workshop is on Nov 10, 1 pm to 3 pm. Which date is correct?
Currently, I have the NCBI Bibliography account containing the citations of my publications related to the NIH-funded research. Are there significant changes in the NCBI Bibliography system concerning the RPPR?
Thank you very much for the clarification
The workshop is on the 10th and we have updated our post. Thanks for catching our typo! There are no changes in the My Bibliography system concerning the RPPR. These workshops are about how to practically prepare publication tables for RPPR submissions.