Reminder: NIH Will Continue to Accept Preliminary Data as Post-Submission Material Through January 2023 Councils


NIH will continue to accept a one-page update with preliminary data as post-submission materials for applications submitted for summer 2022 due dates, ONLY if the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) used for submission allowed preliminary data in the application. The deadline for submitting all post-submission materials, including preliminary data, will be 30 days before the study section meeting or as stipulated in the FOA. Because applications for emergency competitive revisions and urgent competitive revisions undergo expedited review, post-submission materials will not be accepted for those applications.

For a visualization of the peer review process and timelines during COVID-19, see this infographic.


  1. Hi NIH. Does this policy for post submission material (preliminary data submissions) still apply to applications submitted in July 2022? Thank you, Allison Pappas

  2. The advantage of this policy is that it allows scientists to get their discoveries into the hands of the NIH sooner, rather than waiting until the data is ready for publication. This policy also allows scientists to share their data with other researchers who may be able to use it to advance their own work. Finally, this policy ensures that the NIH has access to the most up-to-date scientific information. In sum, the NIH’s policy on accepting preliminary data as post-submission material is advantageous for both scientists and the NIH itself.

  3. I would like to see this as a permanent policy.
    As a reviewer, I wouldn’t see this additional review as being particularly onerous while as a scientist it gives me both additional time and an opportunity to firm up my hypothesis.

  4. Glad we can see these types of policies. I really hope that it is set as permanent! NIH would be able to know much sooner the recent discoveries from researchers and scienties and really stay up-to-date. It is a win-win situation for both and people from around the world will be able to access the most recent scientific information thanks to this.

  5. Are there any circumstances in which post-submission materials, including preliminary data, could be accepted for emergency competitive revisions or urgent competitive revisions?

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