Have to quickly see who can do what in eRA Commons? Check out these handy guides for both at a glance and detailed information on the roles and privileges of eRA Commons users.
Master the Matrix: eRA Commons Roles & Privileges Matrix
Quickly see at a glance who can do what in the Commons using the eRA Commons Roles & Privileges Matrix, a convenient chart where roles are divided by categories and color coded (scientific, administrative, other roles, and reporting).
For When More is More: eRA Commons Users Roles Comprehensive Document
When you need more detail than the quick actions for each user listed in the matrix, browse the eRA Commons Users Roles, an updated document that expands on the roles and privileges available for users in eRA Commons. Organized by the same categories as the eRA Commons Roles & Privileges Matrix, the document provides a complete and comprehensive outline of each role and its corresponding privileges, as well as additional information about each role.