New “All About Grants” Podcasts on Application Appendix and Post-Submission Materials


Icon for the NIH All About Grants PodcastTwo new “All About Grants” podcasts focus on topics related to submitting your application. In “A Look at NIH’s Appendix Policy” (mp3, transcript), Dr. Cathie Cooper, director of the Division of Receipt and Referral in the NIH’s Center for Scientific Review, talks about what can be submitted in an application’s appendix. In “NIH’s Post Application Submission Policy” (mp3, transcript), Dr. Sally Amero, NIH’s Review Policy Officer provides insight into why NIH has such a policy, and what grant application information can be updated after submission of an application, but before peer review.

All About Grants podcast episodes are produced by the NIH Office of Extramural Research, and designed for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others just curious about the application and award process. The podcast features NIH staff members who talk about the ins and outs of NIH funding, and provide insights on grant topics from those who live and breathe the information. Listen to more episodes via the All About Grants podcast page, through iTunes, or by using our RSS feed in your podcast app of choice.


  1. Is it allowable to include a blank evaluation form as an appendix item for a T32 training grant application, under parent announcement PA-16-152? The announcement states that the PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan comprises the following sections: Training Program; Faculty, Trainees, and Training Record; Other Training Program Sections; Appendix. However, requirements for the Appendix items are not described in any detail within the announcement.

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