Grants Reassigned Within School/Department? Signing Officials, Update the Information in eRA Commons Yourselves


College and university officials, has one of your grants moved — say, from your department of medicine to the department of surgery — and you want that assignment correctly reflected in the eRA Commons?

In the past, higher education institutions would need to submit a request to the eRA Service Desk to have this information on school/department reassignment updated. The good news is that now Signing Officials can do it themselves, using a new feature in eRA Commons that allows them to update data regarding the reassignment of a grant within an institution (see steps to Reassign Grant).

We encourage you to periodically check through the year whether your awarded grants are assigned correctly and if they are not, to log in to Commons and update the information. This ensures that the grants are reported correctly in tools like RePORT (which provides reports, data and analyses of NIH funded research) and displayed under the right division/school in eRA Commons.

Once the data is updated in eRA Commons, it appears immediately on the eRA Commons Status screen as well as on the Reassign Grants screen. Updated data will be reflected in RePORT, when the data is refreshed weekly.

It is important to update this information by the end of the first week in October, as data for the government’s fiscal year is then frozen and cannot subsequently be changed.

So go ahead, check the assignments of your awarded grants today. Avoid the end of fiscal year rush.

Note: This capability is only available to grantee organizations classified as ‘institutions of higher education’.


  1. What should we do if the department listed in the Commons is correct, however RePORT lists a different department? For example the Commons lists ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY but in RePORT that same grant/PI has SURGERY listed as the department.

    How do we get this corrected in RePORT?

    1. If you aren’t seeing the changes you expect, please contact [email protected] with the page you are viewing and the project number.
      RePORTER is updated weekly with the latest information available for awarded projects. Records for past fiscal years on RePORT Awards by Location are based on frozen records, and will not reflect any updates made after the frozen records are released.

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