Last summer I mentioned to you that NIH was interested in figuring out a way to open up many of the NIH Clinical Center’s amazing resources to the extramural research community. It has taken some work to iron out all the details, but we just posted a notice of intent to publish a request for applications (RFA) this fall.
The opportunity will take shape in the form of a cooperative agreement between extramural collaborators and NIH intramural researchers. This will allow extramural researchers to access resources such as the metabolic unit, pharmaceutical development capabilities, advanced imaging services and more. You can see a complete toolkit of available resources on the Clinical Center’s site.
This is a significant opportunity for the extramural research community. I’m excited because collaborative research between intramural and extramural investigators using the unique resources of the NIH Clinical Center has tremendous potential for advancing biomedical research. If you can see using any of these valuable resources in your own projects, think about planning an application and stay tuned to the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts for the RFA.
The links to the RFA and resource toolkit don’t seem to be correct.
Thanks Dan! Links have been fixed.