Just when you became familiar with ADOBE-FORMS-B1 application form packages, NIH and its partner agencies (AHRQ, CDC, FDA and NIOSH) have released ADOBE-FORMS-B2. Don’t panic! You should never see both B1 and B2 packages on the same funding opportunity announcement (FOA). B2 forms will be posted with all new FOAs. In addition, NIH has released updated R01, R03, and R21 parent announcements that contain these forms and also reflect our streamlined FOA text and latest policies.
So, if you’re just beginning an R01, R03 or R21 application, we highly recommend that you visit the new parent announcement(s) and download the new forms package. On January 8, 2012, the old parent announcements (containing ADOBE-FORMS-B1) will be retired. For more information, read NOT-OD-11-096.
Please note that the move to ADOBE-FORMS-B2 is to accommodate some technical form fixes and new form features. Please see the related FAQ in this month’s Nexus on the status of the latest OMB approval for the SF 424 (Research and Research Related) forms.