The Personal Profile module in eRA Commons is where you — as a principal investigator, award recipient, trainee, reviewer or other Commons user — tell NIH and other awarding agencies about yourself. Awarding agencies need to know about you to grant awards, process those awards and more. Here are a few reasons that it is extremely important to keep your Personal Profile updated.
- All communications between awarding agencies and you are sent to contact methods that you enter into your Personal Profile.
- Reports, such as the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR), cannot be submitted if award recipients have incomplete Personal Profiles.
- Trainees cannot be appointed without complete Personal Profiles.
- Early Stage Investigator (ESI) status is calculated from Personal Profile data entered by principal investigators in the Education section.
- Personal Profile data is used to help agency review staff identify reviewers’ conflict of interest with applications they are reviewing; and is the place reviewers enter information to get their review meeting honorariums.
Personal Profile is the central repository of information about all Commons registered users. It lets you own and maintain the accuracy for your own personal information. This profile information is integrated throughout eRA systems. It is used to determine reviewer conflicts, link publications, populate application data, track trainee effort, and to ensure that Early Stage Investigator status is accurately calculated. In addition, you have the option to provide demographic information to help NIH better understand its research workforce. Read more about how to manage your Personal Profile.
Linking your ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) to your eRA Commons account enables automatic importation of publications into biosketches, reducing burden and saving you time. You can use Personal Profile to connect your eRA Commons account to your ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), which is a unique 16-digit identifier that enables connections between researchers and their research and scholarship. A linked ORCID iD is required for all senior/ key personnel listed on an application for a due date on or after May 25, 2025. See the video titled Link Your ORCID iD to Your eRA Commons Account.
So, if you have not recently updated your Personal Profile, please do so soon. It will benefit both the awarding agency and you.
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