It can be quite stressful to hear NIH has withdrawn your submitted grant application before it went to peer review. In this NIH All About Grants podcast episode, we get into why and how administrative withdrawal of applications happens. Dr. Ray Jacobson, the Acting Director of the Division of Receipt and Referral at the Center for Scientific Review, walks us through the process. He discusses the reasons for withdrawing an application, how often it may happen, what you will hear from NIH staff, next steps you may take (including appealing a determination), the difference from when applicants request a withdrawal, and other advice to reduce the likelihood your application may be withdrawn.
“We don’t withdraw applications lightly at all…we actually will do quite a bit to try to avoid withdrawing an application because our primary intent is to…get applications to review.” – Dr. Ray Jacobson
NIH’s All About Grants episodes can also be heard on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and on the NIH Grants YouTube channel. Have an idea for a future podcast? Email [email protected]. We love suggestions!