Yes. As of due dates on or after January 25, 2022, eRA Commons IDs must be provided in the Credential field for all individuals listed on the R&R Sr/Key Person Profile form. This includes all senior/key personnel, other significant contributors (OSCs), and other key individuals required to be entered on the form by your funding opportunity announcement.
Previously, eRA Commons IDs were only required for project directors/principal investigators (PDs/PIs), the sponsor on a fellowship application, the primary mentor on a career development application, component leads on multi-project applications, and candidates for diversity supplement support. Our eRA systems currently give an error if the Commons ID is missing for any of these individuals and a warning for all others listed on the form. Although the Commons ID requirement is not yet systematically enforced for all, it still applies to all individuals on the form.
Please remove this requirement. This is preventing us from working with actually disadvantaged and rural communities (below poverty) across several LMICs. Institutes located in such regions do not have eRAs and UEIs, let alone reliable electricity. At the same time, having them as Key personnel in any proposal is essential. This requirement is a huge and unnecessary hurdle.