Looking to better understand research animal welfare, federal regulations related to the care and use of animals in research, and IACUC oversight issues? Then the Interagency Collaborative Animal Research Education (ICARE) Academy is for you. The 2-day Introduction to IACUC Function workshop is for those IACUC and animal program personnel who are new to the program, newly promoted, or those looking for a review of federal standards.
Sponsored by NIH OLAW, USDA APHIS, FDA, BARDA, NSF and VA, the workshop will introduce you to the regulations and guidelines of the US federal agencies that oversee animal welfare at research institutions. You will work through and discuss scenarios with federal regulators and subject matter experts designed to give you solutions to reduce burden and increase efficiency at your home institution. Come with your questions and problems, and be prepared to leave with realistic solutions and answers.
The next ICARE Academy Intro workshop takes place on March 2-3, 2020 in Durham, North Carolina. Learn more and register on their website.