As you’re preparing your application for due dates on or after January 25, 2017, be sure to consult the recently updated NIH application guide, which reflects two important changes in our submission guidelines.
As announced earlier this year, you may only include certain materials as an appendix to your application. The only materials that will be accepted in the appendix section are:
- For applications proposing clinical trials (unless the funding opportunity announcement provides other instructions for these materials):
- Clinical trial protocols
- Investigator’s brochure from Investigational New Drug (IND), as appropriate
- For all applications:
- Blank informed consent/assent forms
- Blank surveys, questionnaires, data collection instruments
- FOA-specified items.
- If appendix materials are required in the FOA, review criteria for that FOA will address those materials, and applications submitted without those appendix materials will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.
If any other materials are included in the appendix your application will be withdrawn and not reviewed. Of particular note, papers and manuscripts are no longer acceptable as appendix materials.
NIH also simplified the types of materials that can be submitted due to unforeseen events after submission of the grant application but prior to the initial peer review.
Read NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-16-129 for more information on the appendix policy change, and NOT-OD-16-130 for details on the new post-submission materials guidelines. And as always, before applying, please be sure to carefully read the application instructions of the funding opportunity to which you are responding!
Papers and Manuscripts no longer allowed in appendix
If the paper is publicly available you can give a citation and not attach the paper but a list – should we also no longer attached this list in the appendix?
A list of papers is not one of the things allowed under the new appendix policy.