Learn More About Collaborating with NIH’s Clinical Center


In 2012, NIH created a unique opportunity for extramural researchers to collaborate with our intramural scientists and use the exceptional resources of the NIH Clinical Center. I want to remind you of the third round of this program, called “Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the NIH Clinical Center”, in time for the upcoming pre-application date on December 10.

As described in the funding opportunity announcements for this program (PAR 13-357 and PAR 13-358), NIH seeks to broaden and strengthen translational research partnerships between NIH’s intramural investigators and the extramural research community with these awards. If you’re not familiar with what NIH’s Clinical Center has to offer, the Clinical Center has put together a great website for you to explore resources at our campus in Bethesda (such as biomedical specimens, equipment, or unique data sets), and learn more about our intramural scientists’ research interests, so you can identify a potential collaborator for your application.

The program has expanded since its inception and now 16 NIH institutes, as well as the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements and Office of Research on Women’s Health, are participating in this innovative program. NIH has also expanded eligibility to include applications from foreign organizations and applications that contain foreign components. Be sure to review both FOAs for additional program details, and for contact information of the program officers at participating NIH institutes. Additional helpful resources are available on the Clinical Center website as well.

I know we will see many of you take advantage of this opportunity for a great collaboration producing some great science!

One comment

  1. The researcher working in clinical centers do not even reply mails to develop collaorations.
    They have their own agenda and their own way of doing things. It is really a waste of governemnet funding if NIH cannot even encourage its hired researchers to atleast have return emails or phone calls when scientists from Universities try to approach them.
    I wish NIH can come up with a better way to deal with this issue.

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