Exemplifying and promoting the highest level of scientific integrity, public accountability, and social responsibility in the conduct of science are among NIH’s main goals as an agency. Research integrity is not about being flawless. It is about conducting science using honest and verifiable methods, complying with rules and regulations and adhering to professional standards. Ultimately, it is also about trust, the foundation upon which the scientific research enterprise is built.
We’ve recently updated our website on research integrity, and want to call your attention to the new resources and updated information on a variety of NIH initiatives that promote research integrity as well as comprehensive information on research misconduct. For example, in support of the NIH Guide notice on “Maintaining Confidentiality in Peer Review” (NOT-OD-14-073) released March 2014, we have produced a new video clip called “Protecting Confidentiality in Peer Review”. The website now also provides links to resources on the training in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) used by researchers at NIH. For example, there’s a link to browse the RCR course used by NIH’s intramural program. We encourage you to take a look at these resources and share with your peers and mentees.