Where Can I Find Information on NIH Submission Policies?


Have a question about NIH’s grant application submission policies and don’t know where to turn? Bookmark our submissions policy page for answers to questions about when might we accept late applications, what happens if the application due date falls on a weekend or holiday, what application information you can update post submission, and more.


  1. I thought I read that NIH expanded the character limit for application titles from 81 characters to 200 characters, but I cannot find any notice of the change on nih.gov. Can we expand our titles to 200 characters with new applications due in June 2014?

    1. Indeed you are correct. NIH’s eRA systems can now accept project titles (item 11 on the SF424 R&R cover form) of up to 200 characters. It is a recent change that will be reflected in the next update of the application guide.

  2. Is there a Notification/Announcement indicating the change in the amount of characters allowed for the application title on submissions of grants? if so, please provided the NOT#

    Thank You

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