The RePORTER on the Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) website has been updated to enhance your search of NIH-funded projects. One such update, Matchmaker, is a new query interface where users can submit abstracts or other scientific text to find similar projects. Matchmaker also automatically creates charts of the most common peer review study sections, funding institutes and centers (ICs), and activity codes in your list of similar projects to help you narrow in on which study sections reviewed those projects and understand which NIH ICs fund similar work.
For more on Matchmaker and other new development on RePORT check out the latest issue of ReSource.
I am trying to find any active grant or previously funded grant under the NIA MSTEM program (PAR-12-016) and I haven’t been able to do so using the Matchmaker tool.
Can you send me links to currently funded projects?
Project RePORTER allows searches by funding opportunity announcement (FOA) in the “Project Details” section (last field in the right column of that section). Looking for more help on RePORT tools? Visit the RePORT FAQ pages or contact us.