What Should I Include in the Project Summary/Abstract?


When writing an NIH grant application, remember that the Project Summary/Abstract will be viewable to the public on RePORTER if the application is funded.  Keep in mind the following guidance:

    • Limit length to 30 lines or less of text
    • Include the project’s broad, long-term objectives and specific aims
    • Include a description of the research design and methods for achieving the stated goals
    • Do NOT include proprietary or confidential information, or trade secrets
    • Write in plain language, so even a non-scientist can understand the importance of the project


  1. Hi,
    Does the 30 lines of text include the first line which states “Project Summary”? Or are the 30 lines exclusively for the description of the summary? Thank you!

      1. Just to further clarify the response to the first question from 2015; would the header “Project Summary/Abstract” be included in the 30-line count?

    1. Because this post was from 2015, I would like the NIH to confirm the following still applies:
      1) the header of “Abstract” or “Project Summary” does count toward the 30 lines
      2) the header of “Project Narrative” does count towards the three sentences/

        1. The headers of the “Abstract,” “Project Summary,” and “Project Narrative” do not count towards the line limits.

      1. The headers of the “Abstract,” “Project Summary,” and “Project Narrative” do not count towards the line limits.

  2. In applying for grants I have found that most initial applications limit you to 500 words total. This means the Project Summary, Target Population, Goals, Outcomes, and Timeline have to be concise and interesting enough to get your reader to turn the page.

  3. For the grants not funded, would the Abstract be published as well? If funded, when will the Abstract published? The info will be helpful for us in preparing Summary with information that has patent application pending (not yet filed).

    1. NIH only publishes abstracts of funded awards. It is normally available within a week of the grant award being made.

  4. Can we include facts in NIH proposal abstracts that require a reference and site that reference (Smith, 2016) in the text and also on the reference list at the end? Or should references not be in the abstract?

    1. The summary is meant to serve as a succinct and accurate description of the proposed work, and if the application is funded, the Project Description will be entered into an NIH database and made available on the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tool (RePORT, available at http://report.nih.gov), without the reference list. Thus, we do not recommend including citations in the summary/abstract. For more information, visit the application guide.

  5. Just to further clarify the response to the first question from 2015; would the header “Project Summary/Abstract” be included in the 30-line count?

  6. In terms of K01 award, should the project summary includes candidates research/career development plan? Or just summary for research plan?

    1. When applying to the parent K01, in addition to summarizing the research project to be conducted under the career development award, the project summary should describe the candidate’s career development plan, the candidate’s career goals, and the environment in which the career development will take place. The entire “Project Summary/Abstract” attachment is limited to 30 lines of text. Please see the NIH application guide and career (K)-specific instructions for more information.

    1. NIH recommends text only to convey the project summary. If the application is funded, it will appear as text only in some of our systems (e.g. the NIH RePORTER database).

  7. For grant applications recommended for funding, when will the Project Summary/Abstract be published on the NIH website? Will it be published before the Start Date?

    1. Thank you for your question. We just added this response to our RePORTER FAQ page (https://report.nih.gov/faq.aspx?sid=2 ):

      Generally, grants, along with their official abstract, will appear in RePORTER 7-10 days after their Budget Start Date.

      RePORTER data is refreshed each week (usually late Sunday nights), so newly added projects generally available on Monday mornings.
      To be included in the weekly refresh, the Budget Start Date of the funded award must have passed.

  8. If the proposal is going to be awarded, can a project summary/abstract be changed/modified before the award is issued?

  9. When writing the project summary for a renewal application, can the current grant results, for which the renewal is based be included?

  10. Please provide a 2023 response to the age old question – Does the header in the “Project Summary/Abstract” and “Project Narrative” count towards NIH limits. Our OSP received a response on 1/25/2023 saying – The 30 lines of text includes any text on the page, including the heading. (blank lines are not included). Is the above response on 12/23/2021, correct or the response received on 1/25/2023?

    1. Page limits are strictly enforced to include all text included on the page including any headers. Limits measured in lines of text are not systematically enforced. In the case of the Project Summary/Abstract and Narrative attachments on the R&R Other Project Information form, we only systematically enforce egregious issues – text exceeds one page) and our manual checks would not remove an application from consideration if only the header information put the content over the specified line limit.

  11. What is the difference between the Project Summary (30 lines) and the Specific Aims (one page). It looks like the Project Summary includes specific aims. Is one public information and the other private information?

    1. Correct—for funded applications, the Project Summary/Abstract will become public information in NIH’s Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tool (RePORT, RePORTER), while the Specific Aims section is confidential. These two attachments also differ in length, level of detail about your Aims, and intended audiences. Find details in the corresponding instructions:
      Project Summary/Abstract, https://grants.nih.gov/grants/how-to-apply-application-guide/forms-h/general/g.220-r&r-other-project-information-form.htm#7
      Specific Aims, https://grants.nih.gov/grants/how-to-apply-application-guide/forms-h/general/g.400-phs-398-research-plan-form.htm#2

  12. If you are submitting a K award (K23) etc., should training goals or applicant information be highlighted as well in the project summary?

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