November 8, 2011: High Risk, High Reward Webinar


Date: November 8, 2011

Time: 1:00-2:45 p.m. EST


The NIH Director’s High Risk-High Reward (HRHR) program, supported through the NIH Common Fund, was created to test new ways of stimulating the biomedical workforce by providing support for highly creative researchers and ideas that have the potential to fundamentally change the way we think about and conduct biomedical research. Four different NIH Director’s awards comprise the HRHR program: the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award, Pioneer Award, New Innovator Award, and the Early Independence Award.  

This informational webinar will provide information and answer questions about the HRHR program, specifically for the Transformative Research Award, which is open until January 12, 2012. The types of questions to be addressed during the webinar include: 

  • What types of projects have been funded to date?
  • Why don’t there seem to be so many clinical and/or behavioral science projects funded?
  • What are the expectations regarding preliminary data?
  • What are typical budgets of successful applications?
  • What are the most common criticisms?
  • What makes a particularly strong application?
  • Can you give some examples of projects that might be considered transformative or not transformative?
  • What is the review process?
  • How are reviewers selected?
  • How can applications with such diverse topic areas be reasonably reviewed by a single panel?

Additional Information

Access the webinar via:

The computer system requirements for joining the webinar can be found here:

Please send us your questions in advance or during the program via e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 1-800-593-9895, passcode 10699.

The webinar will be closed captioned and video archived on the Common Fund website,