The main questions we hear about Transparency Act reporting are:
- Who must report on subaward and executive compensation information?
Recipients of NIH grants and cooperative agreement awards must report executive compensation and subaward information only when they receive new NIH (Type 1) awards issued on or after October 1, 2010. A new award can be identified by the “1” appearing as the first digit in the award number (e.g., 1R01CA987654). This requirement currently does not include receipt of NIH Type 2, Type 3, Type 5 or other awards issued on or after October 1, 2010. - How long after my award is issued will it appear in for reporting?
In most cases, awards should be available in for reporting purposes within a month of the issue date listed on the Notice of Award. Submission of grant award information from NIH requires transmission through multiple government systems, including the HHS TAGGS (Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System), before it becomes available in Time is then required for to successfully transmit the data to; only then is it available for subaward and executive compensation reporting.
Looking for more information on Transparency Act reporting requirements? Visit our Web page dedicated to the topic or e-mail us at [email protected]. If you have questions about the system used to report subaward and executive compensation data, please contact the Federal Service Desk at