New xTrain Resources


Are you a graduate student or postdoc receiving support from an NIH training grant or fellowship? Do you administer an NIH training grant?

If the answer to either of these questions is yes, NIH is here to help you navigate xTrain, our electronic appointment system for training grants, fellowships and career development awards.

Since xTrain became mandatory as of the new year, eRA’s Institutional Research Training & Career Development Awards Web page has been updated with several user-friendly xTrain resources. These include a new “xTrain Overview Presentation for Institution Users,” six quick reference sheets on a variety of xTrain-related topics, and a revised set of Frequently Asked Questions.

NIH staff can find new internal xTrain training materials and related documentation on the eRA Federal Intranet.

As always, we welcome your feedback on these new resources. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to make a suggestion for future xTrain resources, please e-mail [email protected].