Registration Is Open for the 2011 NIH Regional Seminar in Scottsdale, AZ

  • Are you learning how to navigate through the NIH grants process and could use expert advice?
  • Do you have experience with NIH, but want to hear the latest policy updates while making valuable contacts?
  • Would you like “insider” guidance on the NIH peer review process, grant writing for success, and how to work with NIH program officials to maximize your application’s potential for funding?
  • Are you interested in understanding more about the Federal requirements around using human or animal subjects?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then don’t miss your chance to attend the 2011 NIH Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants Administration. Held only twice each year, this two-day seminar offers you the opportunity to learn, share and interact with more than 30 NIH & HHS policy, grants management, review and program experts, as well as hundreds of your peers from around the globe. Return to work with the latest inside information and valuable contacts necessary to help you obtain and manage NIH awards.

Optional NIH Electronic Research Administration (eRA) hands-on computer workshops  are offered the day prior to the seminar if you’re also interested to learn the ins and outs of interacting with NIH electronically, pre-award and/or post-award. Note: The optional eRA workshops have limited seating and traditionally reach capacity in advance of the seminar, so register early. NIH’s eRA staff will also be available throughout the seminar to answer your questions.

April 27-29, 2011 – Scottsdale, AZ – Registration open – Click the link for February’s early bird registration fees, program, seminar hotel, and more.

June 22-24, 2011 – Ft. Lauderdale, FL – Registration opens in February.

These seminars targets investigators, research administrators, grant writers, grad students, and others new to NIH grants who are seeking NIH funding or want to learn how to administer NIH grants. We also include a few sessions for those of you who are more experienced and looking for the latest updates.

For more information, visit the NIH Office of Extramural Research Regional Seminar website at or contact us at [email protected].