I am thrilled that as of the last day of September, 2010, NIH has completely obligated all $10.4B we received as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Thanks to the hard work of the extramural community–the investigators, reviewers, NIH staff, applicant organizations, professional societies and others–we have invested in thousands of biomedical research projects, each with the potential to affect the health of the nation, literally and economically.
Although the money is out the door, our work is not done. You will continue to report quarterly throughout the life of ARRA-funded projects, and NIH will continue to assist in this process. Another continuing effort will be to demonstrate not only the importance of our research, but also the crucial role that scientific funding plays in contributing to the economic recovery of the nation. Everyone is watching to see what is accomplished through our projects. I encourage you to share your accomplishments with your institution and your funding NIH institute or center. We will be working with you to report on the exciting progress we have made using ARRA funds, so expect to hear from us. I look forward to hearing about the exciting accomplishments from our investigators that will undoubtedly result from this support.