ARRA Quarterly Reporting Begins Again Oct. 1


If you receive an ARRA award on or before September 30, 2010 (whether or not you have spent any money), you will need to file a quarterly report to The site will open for submissions on October 1, and recipients will have until October 14 to upload their reports for the July to October quarter.

Reporting Assistance

New to ARRA quarterly reporting? NIH has developed a website dedicated to ARRA Recipient Reporting. On the site you can find links to resources such as FAQs, guidance from the Office of Management and Budget, and readiness tools that provide the data you need in one spot.

Need Extra Help?

For registration and report submission problems or questions, contact the helpdesk. For all other questions, e-mail [email protected].

Keep in Mind

  • The ARRA report is not intended to be a scientific progress report and does not replace “regular” NIH reporting requirements.
  • NIH awards grants to institutions, so institutional officials have the prime responsibility for reporting. PIs should contact their Office of Sponsored Research to determine their role.
  • To report, recipients must be registered at