Say "Yes" and Serve


Acknowledging that the excellence of peer review is directly correlated to our ability to recruit and retain the most accomplished, broad-thinking and creative scientists to serve on study sections, one of the goals of the Enhancing Peer Review initiative was to find ways to engage the best reviewers. We have recently encouraged investigators who receive research grant support from the NIH to participate in peer review when called on to do so (NOT-OD-10-089). In addition, individuals who wish to volunteer to serve in the NIH peer review process should send an e-mail to the Enhancing Peer Review mailbox.

To recognize outstanding review and advisory service by members of the scientific community, NIH began, in 2008, to allow appointed members of study sections to submit their applications as soon as they were developed.

Since the initial announcement, this “continuous submission” benefit has been offered to individuals who perform other types of review service and has recently been extended to appointed members of Program Advisory Committees (NOT-OD-10-090). With this extension, the continuous submission and review option encompasses:

  • Appointed members of chartered standing NIH Study Sections,
  • Appointed members of NIH Boards of Scientific Counselors,
  • Appointed members of NIH Advisory Boards or Councils,
  • Appointed members of NIH Program Advisory Committees, and
  • Peer reviewers who have served as regular or temporary members of peer review committees six times in 18 months.

As always, we thank the thousands of individuals who have served, or have yet to serve, on NIH review study sections and advisory groups.