January 25, 2010 marked the change to new restructured application forms and instructions, including shorter page limits. Those of you resubmitting applications may be wondering if the changes apply to you — and the answer is yes! All competing applications – including resubmissions – must use the new forms and follow the new page limits.
As a result, most of you will have to turn your original application’s Research Plan into a 6- or 12-page Research Strategy. (Don’t forget there is an extra page for Specific Aims.) Ordinarily, when submitting a resubmission application, changes should be marked throughout the text. However, if the changes are so extensive that essentially all of the text would be marked, the application guide instead directs you to explain your changes in the Introduction.
During the first few application rounds with shortened page limits, NIH expects resubmission applications to have extensive changes that will not be marked in the text. If this is the case for you, be sure to summarize your changes in the Introduction (which is generally limited to one page). For more information, refer to the application forms and instructions and the table of page limits. To make sure you are using the right forms, see Confirming the Correct Electronic Forms Choice.