The CRISP query tool, which provided a searchable database of biomedical research projects funded by NIH, was retired on Oct. 31, 2009. For many years, CRISP was one of the most common ways for the public to find information on NIH research projects, returning extensive results on scientific topics.
With CRISP’s retirement, we are glad to offer an exciting replacement – the RePORT Expenditures and Results (RePORTER) tool at:
RePORTER is available immediately and offers all the features of CRISP and more! It provides:
- A description of the award (abstract) and NIH funding for each project
- Publications and patents that have resulted from NIH-funded research
- Links to PubMed Central, PubMed, and the US Patent & Trademark Office Patent Full Text and Image Database for more detailed information on research results
New features will be added to RePORTER in several releases throughout fiscal year 2010.
For questions about RePORTER, please contact the RePORT team at [email protected].