NIH is entering into the final phase of the Enhancing Peer Review initiative, implementing two major changesĀ – restructured/shortened applications and new forms and instructions.
These changes affect the majority of competing applications and resubmissions for January 25, 2010 due dates and beyond. Additional details describing which applications are affected can be found in a Guide notice NOT-OD-09-149 (be on the lookout for a clarification notice to be posted to the Guide this week).
The new, restructured application format seeks to align the structure and content of the application with newly enhanced review criteria, thereby focusing applicants and reviewers on the same elements. Similarly, shorter page limits focus both reviewers and applicants on the essentials of the science, avoiding information overload, and potentially enabling a larger number of reviewers to read each application.
The new application forms contain changes to the Research Plan, Resources, and Biographical Sketch sections:
- Research Plan has new language added to Specific Aims and has a new section titled Research Strategy (which is a combination of 3 current sections – Background and Significance, Preliminary Studies/Progress Report, and Research Design and Methods).
- The Facilities and Other Resources has been updated to better reflect the Environment criterion.
- Biographical Sketch has new instructions requiring a Personal Statement and limiting the number of references.
To view a side-by-side comparison of the current instructions and to those that will accompany the restructured applications, see Details of Application Changes.
The page limits for the Research Strategy generally will be 6 or 12 pages, with an additional 1 page for Specific Aims. As always, if the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) requires page limits that differ from the application instructions, the FOA page limits should be followed. For a detailed look at the changes by activity code, refer to the Table of Page Limits.
New application packages will be available by December. You must return to the FOA or reissued Parent Announcement to download the correct forms. Applications submitted using incorrect forms will be delayed and may not be reviewed.
To best prepare for the upcoming changes, institutional officials and senior PIs may want to talk to trainees and modify internal procedures. NIH has developed resources to help guide you through the transition process. For more information, visit the Enhancing Peer Review Web site.