Got ARRA Funding? Register at

Posted is now open. Institutions receiving ARRA funding must register in order to be able to meet the quarterly reporting requirements of the Act beginning in October 2009. These reports are due no later than 10 calendar days after the end of each quarter (January 10, April 10, July 10, and October 10).

Remember, NIH awards grants to institutions, so institutional officials have the prime responsibility for reporting. If you are a PI who received an ARRA grant, your institution’s Sponsored Research Office should let you know what they need from you to comply with this reporting requirement.

Approximately 50 items need to be filled in for the first report. NIH is partnering with HHS to develop a Readiness Tool to provide recipients with all the NIH-generated data available in our systems relevant to the recipient report. In the meantime, much of this information, with the exception of the project abstract, can be found by downloading an existing spreadsheet of information on all ARRA funded projects, available at the RePORT Recovery Act Web page, and searching for your organization. The abstract can be found using the RePORTER tool. Fortunately, many of the data items will remain the same for the life of the award, so once the initial report is complete, future reports should be much easier.

Check out NIH’s Recipient Reporting Web page for resources to guide you through the process.