NIH Supports Summer Research Employment for Students and Educators through ARRA


Summer research opportunities for students and science educators created through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 are well underway. To date, we are in the process of making awards to support approximately 5,100 positions in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Roughly 830 high school students, 3,570 college students, and 700 science educators are now at work in NIH-funded research projects with Principal Investigators from 350 institutions (including small businesses) nationwide.

Many of these awards, which supplement existing NIH grants, have been made with ARRA funds not only for this summer, but also for the summer of 2010. To see where summer research students and educators are employed and what kinds of projects they are involved in, visit the Summer Research Experiences page on RePORT.