If you wish to resubmit an application prepared for the NIH Challenge Grants opportunity, you must wait to receive your peer review summary statement and submit your revised application for the October deadline or any deadline thereafter. When you do so, be sure to submit it as a new application and appropriately modify the application to meet the requirements of the new FOA or activity code. Do not include an Introduction describing changes and improvements or mark text to indicate changes.
NIH has long-standing policies barring review of identical or nearly identical applications from the same investigator. These policies are particularly important now, as we have received over 20,000 applications for RFA-OD-09-003, the NIH Challenge Grants in Health and Science Research (RC1) alone, and we will not be able to fund all of these applications.
Thus, we would like to remind Project Directors, Principal Investigators, (PD/PIs) and applicant institutions that submitting identical applications to one or more components of NIH or the Public Health Service is not allowed, and that NIH will not review any new or resubmitted applications containing one or more of the specific aims contained in a similar, identical, or essentially identical application until after the peer review process for the original application has been completed and a summary statement has been provided to the PD/PI(s).
Please see Guide Notice NOT-OD-09-100 for further information.