Today, we are happy to announce that NIH has reached a major milestone in the transition from’s PureEdge-based application forms to their Adobe-based equivalents.
The transition to Adobe officially began on December 5, 2008, when NIH updated more than 500 active Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) with Adobe-based application packages and closed their PureEdge predecessors (NOT-OD-09-026). The new Adobe forms are required for submission for most receipt dates in January and beyond. Appointed members of NIH chartered study sections who utilize alternate plans for submitting R01, R21 and R34 grant applications as allowed by NIH policy should note that if they are submitting applications for these grant mechanisms after December 5, they must use the new Adobe forms. (For more details see NOT-OD-09-028).
There are still a number of active FOAs that will continue to use PureEdge packages into January 2009, including some FOAs for grant programs with early December standard receipt dates (small business and conference programs) and FOAs due to expire in January. In early 2009, the remaining active FOAs with PureEdge forms will be updated and our transition to Adobe will be complete.
The change was timed (accommodating the error correction window, application viewing window and late application policy) so that applicants submitting for the final PureEdge standard receipt dates could complete the submission process using the same form set. NIH aimed to release the new forms in enough time to provide applicants at least 4 weeks to prepare their Adobe-based applications for the next receipt dates. The January 7, 2009 receipt date for AIDS and AIDS-Related Applications will be the first NIH standard receipt date to use the Adobe-based forms.