2008 NIH Regional Seminars Conclude with a Record Number of Attendees


The 2008 NIH Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants Administration recently concluded with record attendance by grants administrators, researchers, and graduate students from around the world.  In March, approximately 550 attendees participated in San Antonio, Texas – hosted by the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; followed by a June seminar in Chicago, Illinois, which brought approximately 900 attendees – hosted by the University of Illinois at Chicago.  Attendees traveled from every region of the U.S. and from over a dozen countries to participate in this year’s seminars.

The NIH Regional Seminars are designed to help demystify the application and review process, provide updates and clarification of relevant regulations and policies, as well as highlight current areas of special interest or concern.  The Office of Extramural Research sponsors two each year around the country.  These seminars provide approximately 30 NIH and HHS policy, grants management, review, and program staff an opportunity to share their expertise and guidance, while allowing attendees the opportunity to network, learn, and share their experiences as well.

Plans are under way for the 2009 NIH Regional Seminars and eRA Workshops to be held in Atlanta, Georgia and Portland, Oregon.  In the near future, dates and other pertinent information will be posted in the NIH Guide, as well as on the NIH Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants Administration home page.