The conversion from PureEdge to Adobe versions of the SF424 (R&R) grant application forms is planned for December 2008. NIH is mindful of the impact caused by multiple forms changes on the applicant community, and this timing will allow us to combine the following changes:
- NIH’s recently OMB-approved PHS 398 form changes
- FFATA changes to the SF424 (R&R)
- Changes to the SF424 (R&R) as part of the renewal process
NIH expects to pilot the Adobe forms with a couple single receipt date Funding Opportunity Announcements with October receipt dates.
Once NIH transitions to Adobe forms, it will focus on making progress towards its goal of electronic submission of all grant applications. While 80 percent of grant applications are already electronic, the agency is working closely with to transition the remaining 20 percent on the following schedule:
- Research Career Development (all Ks except K12) – February 12, 2009
- Individual National Research Service Awards (F) – April 8, 2009
- Institutional National Research Service Awards and Other Training Grants (T, D), D43, D71/U2R and K12 – September 25, 2009
The timing for electronic submission for NIH’s complex, multi-project grant programs has not been set, although NIH is exploring ways to receive this cohort of applications.
Clearly there is much activity in the world of eSubmission and we look forward to sharing updates in future issues of the Nexus. In the meantime, information may be found on the eSubmission Web site and questions may be directed to [email protected].