Guest blog by Dr. Marie Bernard, Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity, NIH. Originally posted on the Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity blog.
I am pleased to announce the availability of administrative supplements that recognize the essential role of effective mentorship in developing future researchers and building a diverse scientific workforce. Through the reissue of a Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) led by the Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity (COSWD) office, NIH will award up to $18 million in Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24), contingent upon NIH funding.
These institutional awards supplement the existing awards of program directors and principal investigators who engage in outstanding diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) mentorship. Because such efforts may not be appropriately recognized or compensated, this NOSI aims to reach individuals with limited NIH support.
Research indicates that successful mentoring relationships can positively impact the career trajectory of scientists and foster more inclusive research environments. For example, it is well-established that effective mentorship provides psychosocial and career support, self-efficacy, and science identity, which can help individuals achieve academic and career milestones. Based on this evidence, NIH initiated DEIA mentorship supplements to enhance mentorship and inclusive excellence within the research and institutions it supports.
You can learn more about the value of mentorship by exploring materials from our June 2023 seminar, “How Does Mentoring Impact Diversity in the Biomedical and Behavioral Research Workforce?”
NIH has offered DEIA mentorship supplements twice before. In FY22 and FY23, NIH awarded 114 supplements to institutions across the United States. I have been delighted by the robust response to the previous NOSIs and expect a similar level of interest in this round of funding.
Application and Eligibility Details
Numerous NIH institutes and centers are inviting applications, and supplements are available for various grant types, including career development, training, cooperative, and Research Project Grants (e.g., R01s). The parent grant must have a mentoring component in the reviewed objectives or an active diversity supplement. Applicants may request up to $250,000 in direct costs per year for one or two years, depending on institution type, and cannot exceed the direct costs of the parent award. Funds will support their current or future efforts. The deadline to apply is February 16, 2024.
Please review the NOSI and read the DEIA mentorship supplements FAQ for eligibility and application information.
Prospective applicants should join me for an informational webinar on Monday, December 11, from 1:30–3:00 p.m. ET, where I will provide an overview of this funding opportunity and address questions. Webinar registration is open, and attendees can submit questions in advance via [email protected]. An event recording will be available for those unable to attend.
I encourage all eligible investigators to apply for funding. Your mentorship efforts are critical to advancing cultures of inclusive excellence in the biomedical and behavioral research enterprise and deserve the recognition this award provides. On behalf of the COSWD office, we look forward to receiving your applications.