All About NIH Subaward Agreements: Webinar on Oct. 17 


Whether you are a principal investigator considering a subaward arrangement with either a domestic or foreign institution, or a research administrator eager to deepen your understanding of the prerequisites and regulations governing compliant subaward agreements, mark your calendar for October 17 and virtually accompany us as we provide invaluable insights during an engaging  event

NIH Subaward Requirements: Domestic and Foreign 

  • Date:  October 17, 2023 
  • Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM (Eastern Time Zone) 

Join experts from the NIH Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA) as they guide you through the various sections of a subaward agreement, offering detailed guidance and highlighting key policies. This is your opportunity to gain insights and seek clarification during the live Q&A.  

Register now  for this free event and embark on your path toward collaborative success! We encourage you to share this link with anyone you believe would benefit from this invaluable event.   

Though not the focus of this virtual event, you may find details on the recent policy guidance for foreign subaward agreements on this blog post and accompanying video.  


  1. Hello,

    We will be holding our semi-annual inspection on this day/time. Will it be available to stream later?

    1. Good day Jennifer, yes, per the registration page, an accessible recording and transcript are to be posted 7 business days following the event. Thank you for your interest.

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