The biomedical research enterprise relies on engaging talented researchers from all groups, including individuals from diverse backgrounds underrepresented in biomedical research. As I described earlier here on the blog, NIH has planned the launch of several programs to increase workforce diversity. I’m excited to let you know that on December 19 we issued the funding announcements for the three core initiatives that make up the Common Fund “Enhancing the Diversity of the NIH-Funded Workforce” program. The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN), Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD), and the Coordination and Evaluation Center (CEC) – support a consortium that, in partnership with NIH, will develop, implement and evaluate novel approaches for research training and mentoring.
Although NIH has made awards for the planning grants related to the BUILD and NRMN programs, the new funding opportunities we announced are open to all who are eligible, not just the planning grant recipients. As always, be sure to read the funding opportunity announcements for eligibility criteria. The NIH Common Fund is also holding a technical assistance webinar for applicants in mid-January, so I encourage you to check out the Common Fund website for more details coming soon. We’re looking forward to receiving many innovative and exciting proposals that will help created the talented workforce of the future. Good luck!
These are all timely, well intentioned needed and ACD NIH recommended funding opportunities that will help enahnce the biomedical workforce diversity engaged in meeting the goals of healthy people 2020. There ought to be the urgency and concerted efforts to maintain these and other workforce diversity funding opportunities for longer extended periods to evaluate the profound positive impact they will have in combating diseases afflicting the health and well being of the changing demographics of this nation and on global fronts.