NIH Wants Your Feedback on LGBTI Health Research


In January I blogged about NIH’s support of health research in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex communities (LGBTI communities). NIH Director Francis Collins announced that a trans-NIH LGBTI research coordinating committee would be permanently established, and provided a statement on NIH’s plan for advancing this area of research. (See my earlier blog post for more background.)

NIH continues extensive outreach to identify research priorities and gaps, and opportunities to capitalize on ongoing projects in this field. A listening session brought LGBTI health researchers and community advocates together to discuss their work with NIH leadership (the videocast is archived here). We’ve also recently published a request for information (RFI) to allow broader input on NIH’s strategic plan for LGBTI research. We’re interested in your comments on research opportunities involving LGBTI health, as well as feedback on how to engage the LGBTI populations in this work, and training in the research and clinical settings – see the full details in the NIH Guide, including how to submit formal comments before the October 28 RFI deadline.

As always, we welcome comments here as described in our blog policies, but for your comments to be formally considered by the LGBTI coordinating committee, you’ll need to follow the submission instructions in the RFI.

One comment

  1. As an extramural investigator supported by the NIH for 30 years, I endorse this initiative. I believe that HHS and NIH in particular has done a great job over the last three decade to recognize that different populations (male/female) for example have special health problems and needs. It is also clear that ethnicity plays a significant role in differentiating specific research needs, though I do not hear much about Native Americans. Inasmuch as the LGBTI community is a significant portion of our population I believe that this initiative should move full speed ahead.

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