A Pilot Approach To Replicating Research: The NIH Common Fund’s Replication to Enhance Research Impact Initiative Provides Funding To Support Research Replication Activities

October 29, 2024

This summer, the NIH Office of Strategic Coordination launched the new Replication to Enhance Research Impact Initiative, a pilot approach to advance rigor and transparency in biomedical research by supporting the direct third-party replication of NIH-funded studies. Through the new Replication Initiative, we aim to test whether direct replication of selected research studies is a fruitful approach to enhancing research reproducibility, and if yes, for what types of studies, and under what circumstances.

Anonymizing Peer Review for the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award Applications

May 27, 2020

NIH is seeking applications for the 2021 Transformative Research awards through a new funding opportunity (RFA-RM-20-013) recently released on Friday, May 21, 2020. And, as a way to address concerns about bias in peer review while also enhancing diversity, this High Risk, High Reward program is going to anonymize the review of Transformative Research Award applications.

NIH Wants Your Input on Increasing Diversity Among Biomedical Research Faculty

May 1, 2019

Promoting scientific environments that can encourage and benefit from a full range of talent is necessary in biomedical research today. The NIH Common Fund is conducting strategic planning for a potential new program exploring ways to create a route of entry and advancement for talent from diverse backgrounds into independent academic faculty positions. NIH is seeking broad input on this approach from academic institutional leadership, biomedical faculty, and interested members of the public.