Should Multiple DMS Plans Be Submitted With Each Application for Funding, Including Large, Multicomponent Awards?


No. The Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy expects only one DMS Plan to be submitted with each application and does not expect separate Plans to be developed for individual projects under that application. In multicomponent applications, the DMS Plan must be in included in the Overall component. Applicants are encouraged to determine whether and how to coordinate responsibilities with respect to Plans with all Program Directors/Principal Investigators and all Key Personnel on the same application.

For more frequently asked questions on the DMS Policy, see the FAQ page.

One comment

  1. If only one DMS plan is allowed and it should be uploaded on the Prime Institution, what if it’s agreed upon that the subcontracts will also have a budget? My understanding is that I list this on the Prime budget. Is it just mentioned in the budget justification and if the grant is funded, do we then have to adjust the budgets to the subcontracts? Do we include the indirect rate for the subcontracts when putting the sub amount on the justification? It appears that the administrative burden could be cumbersome.

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