How Do I Request Childcare Costs in my Fellowship Application?


For new and administrative supplement applications:

  • For the first year requested, all fellowship applicants are required to specify the requested childcare costs in field 28b (Supplementation from Other Sources: Amount, Number of Months, Type, and Source) on the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form (See screenshot).
    • Enter $2,500 for the Amount
    • Enter 12 for the Number of Months
    • Enter ‘Childcare Costs’ (without quotation marks) as the Type
    • Enter NIH as the Source.

Screenshot of field 28b (Supplementation from Other Sources: Amount, Number of Months, Type, and Source) on the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form

  • For any additional years requested, applicants must provide the request as an ‘Other Attachment’ on the R&R Other Project Information form.
  • The attachment must be named “Childcare_Cost_Request.pdf” (without quotation marks). The attachment must specify the requested childcare costs amount, and number of years requested. The Recipients are not required to submit supporting documentation with each request. Recipients must maintain all supporting documentation (e.g., proof provider is licensed). NIH reserves the right to request proof at any time.

For requests submitted in the RPPR, recipients must specify the requested amount, and number of years requested in Section G.1 of the RPPR.

Find more answers to frequently asked questions on the childcare costs FAQs page.

One comment

  1. It is not clear to me what additional documents/attachments are required with the administrative supplement, PA-20-272 NOSI (NOT-OD-21-070). Can you please clarify which are the required attachments? It appears in ASSIST that all of the initial F31 attachments are required for the supplement (i.e. research strategy, project narrative, etc.). Is this correct? If so, should the initial documents be re-uploaded for the supplement? Thank you for the clarification.

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