NIH Online Clinical Research Courses are Now Open


Want to gain knowledge in clinical research and pharmacology? Start learning now through the FREE self-paced courses offered by the NIH Office of Clinical Research.

Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research

This course trains participants on how to effectively and safely conduct clinical research.Topics covered in the course include: study design, measurement, statistics, ethical, legal, monitoring, and regulatory considerations, preparing and implementing clinical studies, additional study designs and more. Both the course and registration for the 2018-2019 course year are now open through June 30, 2019. Please visit the IPPCR website. (Note that this course is not intended to be a replacement for required training in the protection of human subjects.)

Principles of Clinical Pharmacology

This course covers the fundamentals of clinical pharmacology as a translational scientific discipline. The course consists of approximately 50 lectures by thought-leaders from around the world. Topics covered in the course include: pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism and transport, drug therapy in special populations, assessment of drug effects, drug discovery and development, pharmacogenomics and pharmacotherapy. Registration for the 2018-2019 course year is now open through June 30, 2019. Please visit the PCP website.


    1. It is not entirely clear what you are looking for. If it is a course certificate for Protecting Human Research participants course, unfortunately, NIH no longer offers its Protecting Human Research Participants course and we do not plan not plan to provide an alternative course (see announcement

      Institutions seeking to fulfill the requirement ( for education in the protection of human research will need to use another training program or develop a program to meet the requirement. NIH does not specify or endorse any specific educational programs.

  1. For the course “Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research”, it says above that “Both the course and registration for the 2018-2019 course year are now open through June 30, 2019.”, but when I got to the IPPCR website, it says that the registration is closed. Appreciate your response.

    1. The NIH Office of Clinical Research is making some improvements to their technical system to prepare for the upcoming course year, and with the course registration closing in under 2 weeks, they decided to close it a little early to allow for these changes. If you have any other questions or concerns please contact

  2. Hi! When I try to access the page, it says “Access Denied”. I already completed all the sign-up requirements.

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