The transition to electronic applications has been a major unifying initiative at the NIH for several years. Since the NIH first began accepting electronic grant applications in 2005, nearly all grant programs have transitioned to electronic submission. Only complex, multi-project grant programs still require paper-based submission, and we have begun laying the technical groundwork for transitioning a number of these programs to electronic submission.
Nor have we lost sight of the goal to move toward an all-electronic grants process, from application submission all the way through to the required closing of an awarded grant. The recent announcement of the required use of two eRA Commons features reiterates our commitment to electronic post-award administration.
eSNAP (Electronic Streamlined Non-competing Award Process)
Beginning August 1, 2010, NIH will require the use of the eRA Commons eSNAP feature for the submission of all streamlined, non-competing progress reports (NOT-OD-10-093). For these progress reports due on or after August 1, paper progress reports will not be accepted. With the mandating of eSNAP comes two important process changes:
- SNAP progress reports will be due 45 days prior to the next budget start date (instead of 60 days), and
- IRB and IACUC approval dates will not be required as part of each progress report submission (but must be submitted upon request).
Grantees should refer to the Notice of Award to determine whether the new requirement applies to a particular award. The eSNAP User Guide has been updated and is available here.
As of January 1, 2011, NIH will require the electronic submission of appointment forms and termination notices for research training, fellowship, education and career development awards (see our April Nexus article). After January 1, paper appointment forms and termination notices will not be accepted, and users must submit these documents via the xTrain feature in eRA Commons. To familiarize yourself with xTrain before January, visit the demo site and practice with a sample account. Additional resources and instructions can be found here.
Questions concerning the use of all eRA Commons features may be directed to the eRA Commons Help Desk.