In fiscal year 2007, the NIH implemented a major policy change to ensure consistency in the awarding of tuition, fees and health insurance on Kirschstein-NRSA training grants and fellowships. That policy modified existing budget categories and established formulas and caps for calculating the tuition and fees to be awarded.
At the time the policy change was announced, NIH committed to evaluating its effects by analyzing information submitted in annual progress reports. After completing that evaluation, the NIH has now formally adopted the policy and will continue to apply it to all future awards.
As a result, unless otherwise restristicted, instititutions retain the authority to rebudget training grant funds between the stipend and tuition categories without prior NIH approval. In the annual progress report, grantees must continue to explain any rebudgeting from stipends into tuition and fees that has occurred in the current budget period and indicate whether rebudgeting is planned for the upcoming budget period. For details about the final policy, see NOT-OD-10-073.