- What happens if I inadvertently use the wrong page limits in my application?A: Applicants may use the temporarily extended error-correction window in order to rework their application and resubmit it prior to the expiration of the five-business-day window. Remember to read your Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) carefully, as any exceptions to the posted page limits will be stated in the FOA .
- In my new application, where should I include information about my Preliminary Studies?A: For new applications, information on Preliminary Studies (the PD/PI’s preliminary studies, data, experience, et cetera), may be included in any of the three sections of the Research Strategy: Significance, Innovation, and Approach. More information may be found in the Application Guide and on the Enhancing Peer Review Web site.
- What is the new requirement for personal statement in the Biosketch?A: The personal statement allows you to briefly describe in your Biosketch why your experience and qualifications make you particularly well suited for your role in the project that is the subject of the application. Remember that the inclusion of the additional material has not changed the page limit for the Biographical Sketch; the page limit remains at four pages per person.
- I am eligible for continuous submission and am planning on submitting an R01, R21 or R34 AIDS application. I understand that I may use the old SF 424 (R&R) ADOBE-FORMS-A for submissions on or before February 7, 2010. However, I see that February 7, 2010 is a Sunday. Does this mean that I have until the next business day (Monday, February 8, 2010) to submit using the old forms?A: No, if you wish to use the ADOBE-FORMS-A form set, you must complete the submission process on or before February 7. Submissions made on or after February 8 MUST use the new ADOBE-FORMS-B.
Additional FAQs on the transition to restructured applications may be found at http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/faq_special.htm#2010.