A New Look for RePORT


When trying to find out about government programs, not many things compare to NIH RePORT. RePORT supplies comprehensive information about NIH programs, provides interesting tools, and gives you the information you want in the ways you want it. I am on RePORT almost every day. It’s such a great resource that it’s been designated as “high value” on data.gov and is a flagship initiative in our department’s open government plan. 

I’ve shown you some of the tools on RePORT in previous posts, and I know that many of you have also discovered the site. So, I’m delighted to announce that we’ve just rolled out a new and improved design for REPORT that should help you find what you are looking for faster. I’d like to take the opportunity to show you firsthand the power of RePORT and RePORTER. To do this, we are creating a series of video tutorials. First up, figuring out how your research fits into NIH’s grant portfolio.

shot of the first frame of the Discovering RePORT video

(After clicking above, you may need to zoom out and then click on the play button to start.)

Almost academy award material, don’t you think? I’m planning to bring you more videos like this soon. Until then, you can always keep up-to-date on what’s happening on RePORT by reading the ReSOURCE.


    1. Thanks for highlighting a very helpful tool. Who can I write with a specific question regarding what was persented in the video? Thanks!

      1. You can always contact us with questions or feedback by clicking on “contact” at the top of the page.

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