Preview the Web-based Form for Human Embryonic Stem Cell (hESC) Registry


The NIH Guidelines on Human Stem Cell Research establish policy and procedures under which the NIH will fund human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research and create a new NIH Registry of eligible hESC lines that comply with the standards described in the Guidelines. A web-based form, Request for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line to be Approved for Use in NIH Funded Research, will be used for the purpose of submitting information about hESC lines to the NIH, along with assurances and supporting documentation of compliance with the NIH Guidelines.

A preview version of the form is available to provide the community with advance notice of the information to be required and the process for submitting that information to the NIH. Note that the form will require eRA Commons registration for login validation and submission. The final version of the form will be available in the near future and will be announced in the NIH Guide. Once hESCs are listed on the Registry, applicants will be able to cite those lines in applications to the NIH. Until that time, applicants should refer to NIH Guide Notice OD-09-123.