Status of Applications Involving Human Embryonic Stem Cells


Review and award of applications which propose the use of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) were delayed pending the issuance of the NIH Guidelines on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Now that the Guidelines have been issued, review and award for those applications will take place as follows:

  • Review of all hESC Challenge/RC1 applications will occur in the Fall of 2009 for consideration in January/ February 2010 Councils. Because these applications are for ARRA funding but awards will be delayed until FY2010, these awards will be multiyear-funded for 24 months.
  • Review of all hESC Grand Opportunity (GO/RC2) applications, hESC competitive revision applications submitted for the April 21, 2009 due date and ARRA funding, and all other hESC ARRA applications (except hESC Challenge/ RC1 applications) will be completed by late August 2009.
  • Review of all other non-ARRA hESC applications (except those submitted in response to Requests for Applications (RFAs) for FY2009 funding) submitted for FY2009 non-ARRA funding for review in CSR will occur in Fall of 2009 for consideration in January/ February 2010 Councils. Applicants will be notified by email of a change in the review of their application, and new review assignment information will be accessible in the eRA Commons. However, review of applications submitted in response to certain RFAs for non-ARRA FY2009 funding will be completed by late August 2009 for consideration in September/ October 2009 Councils.

Additional information will not be accepted for the initial review of hESC applications during this time. Reviewers will be instructed that only restricted awards will be issued until eligible hESC lines are approved. Reviewers will further be instructed that the choice of cell line should not affect the individual criterion scores, assessments of overall merit, or overall impact/ priority scores.

Applicants may consider the option of withdrawing a pending application and submitting a more current application for a future due date. Subsequent applications that change activity code or were submitted previously in response to a Request for Applications will be considered new applications. Withdrawal and submission of a subsequent application due to the issuance of the NIH Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research will not be viewed as an acceptable justification for late application.

Please see Guide Notice NOT-OD-09-123 for further details.